CREATE WISCONSIN WELCOMES CREATIVE AND CIVIC LEADERS TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS WDAC Partner, Create Wisconsin, the state’s community cultural development organization, is pleased to announce that five [...]
WEDC Wisconsin Economic Summit Leaders throughout our state—economic development professionals and academics as well as business and industry leaders—are coming [...]
Beth Wierick, past Board President shares. Beth Weirick served on the WDAC Board from 2010 through 2015 and was President of the [...]
Quality of Life as Economic Development Policy The University of Wisconsin-Madison Community Economic Development Division of Extension invites you to join a virtual [...]
Board President Katherine Westaby shares what she brings to WDAC and what WDAC can do for you! Katherine is currently a Community Development Consultant with Vierbicher Associates. Previously she worked for the City [...]
Former Board Member Allyson Brunette shares: Allyson grew up in suburban communities outside of New York City and her childhood was shaped [...]
Construction “Lemonade” Middleton, WI is making lemonade from their construction lemons… a popular green space downtown is under [...]
Building Codes on Main Street Training Workshop The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, WEDC, is pleased to announce a major training opportunity titled Building [...]
Past Board Member: Bill Ryan Past Board Member: Bill Ryan Representing the University of Wisconsin- Madison, Division of Extension As a [...]