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Jeffrey Sachse, WDAC president-elect, strongly believes that strategic information and insights can assist firms and communities to be strong catalysts for change and resilience in these uncertain times. 

Jeffrey Sachse is the Director of the Center for Customized Research and Services (CCRS) and Economic Development at UW-Oshkosh. The Center provides a variety of services organizations throughout Northeast Wisconsin, including customized training, consulting, data analytics, market research, and survey development. In this role he is responsible for managing the daily operations of the Center and providing research and development support for several university initiatives.

Prior to joining CCRS, Jeffrey served as a labor economist with the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development and as the Director of the Office of Economic Advisors since 2001.  In this role, he directed several efforts to engage industry partnerships and firms to consider the implications of macroeconomic shifts, including changes to minimum wage provisions. In this work he has advised the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, Wisconsin Restaurants Association, and Wisconsin Tavern League as well as several individual firms. His team also provided extensive analysis and comment to the Wisconsin Legislative Council, Wisconsin League of Municipalities, and Bureau of Labor Statistics. He is also the Founder of Rawley Point Economic Advising, a consulting firm focused on promoting entrepreneurship and community revitalization.

Jeffrey’s passion for Wisconsin downtowns was fostered during his childhood in Two Rivers, Wisconsin. His return to the area in 2015 spurred the launch of the Light Up the Lakeshore campaign, which has included a downtown design weekend in 2018 and Entrepreneur Pitch competitions in 2018, 2019, and 2020. He believes that the future of Wisconsin’s rural communities hinges on their ability to attract and retain young talent and new ideas. He frequently advises prospective business owners on the benefits of downtown locations.

Jeffrey lives in Manitowoc, Wisconsin and is an avid baker and cyclist. He is also co-chair of the Friends of Two Rivers Snowfest. He was attracted to WDAC because of its focus on building arts, amenities, and walkable communities as ways to support businesses. He is also interested in the ways that community events, like Snowfest can support businesses by building stronger loyalty among visitors and repeat customers.

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