#ShopWIDowntowns highlights your local community and makes it easier to discover new places to visit during the holiday season which hopefully leads to return visits all year long!
Use the map below to find Holiday events and enjoy Wisconsin Downtowns!
Click the show screen icon on the top left to populate the Events. Then click the appropriate icon on the map for more information. Alternatively after clicking the show screen icon, you may select the type of event and see a listing by location by clicking the down arrow.
Throughout the year, it continues to be important to patronize Wisconsin Downtowns and support small businesses, artisans and craftspeople. In addition to the map above, please check with your local chamber, Main Street office, Business Improvement District, and businesses to see local offers and events.
- 90% of businesses in WI downtowns are locally owned.
- $76: Average spent per shopper on Small Business Saturday. Imagine if that happened every day or every week!
- Sixty eight cents of every $1 spent in a local business is reinvested into our community.
Your WDAC Board and partners want to ensure all Wisconsin Downtowns are highlighted and supported this holiday season and all year long with a shared message. The WDAC board has promoted this message via Wisconsin Public Radio the last two holiday seasons. We are asking all of our Downtown Managers to help in spreading the shared message and creating a bigger impact by adding #ShopWIDowntowns to their social media posts.
Public Service Announcements
Contact your local radio station and use one of the PSA’s below. Remember using the #ShopWIDowntowns helps support all of our local communities.
2023 Public-Service-Announcements
#ShopWIDowntowns Logo
Use the logo in your social media campaigns with the #ShopWIDowntowns!
Download Logo