Schmidt, Conroy & Deller (2024). WIndicator: Understanding Wisconsin Prosperity in the National Context.
Summary: This WIndicator examines community prosperity in U.S. counties across poverty, unemployment, housing, and education over three decades. Wisconsin stands out with above-average prosperity, consistently outperforming the national average. Although Wisconsin counties are doing well, the most prosperous places in the state have shifted over time and the factors that underlie prosperity have also changed
McDermott, Conroy & Kures (2024). Wisconsin Economy Series Special Feature on Black, Latino, Asian, and Native Owned Businesses in Wisconsin.
Summary: This series of new reports highlights the growth and challenges faced by business owners of color in Wisconsin. The four special reports provide a breakdown of data among Black, Latino, Asian, and Native owned business. Each report provides data about the number and size of businesses as well as unique challenges each group faces.
Hadachek & Deller (2024). WIndicator: Wisconsin Farming: Insights from the 2022 Census of Agriculture.
Summary: This WIndicator provides an overview of recent trends in Wisconsin farming using the 2022 Census of Agriculture.
Solomon, Beckendorf & Kay (2024). Civil Leadership for Vibrant Communities: Building Bridges through Deliberative Dialogue
Summary: This article describes a pilot program organized by University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension in partnership with Braver Angels, a national organization applying research-based skills to building bridges. The authors report on the series structure and content, its goals, and the impacts on participants.
DeMet & Farnsworth (2024). Beyond Direct Education and Facilitation: Revisiting the Role of Extension in Community & Regional Food Systems Development
Summary: Drawing from interviews with directors of four of the nation’s leading Community and Regional Food Systems Extension programs, this article makes a case for rethinking Extension’s role in community and regional food systems development in relationship to key leverage points through a typology of Extension roles and corresponding examples.