Small Community Forums

The Small Community Forums provide resources and a venue for everyone who cares about the future of Wisconsin’s small (and mighty) communities. The forums bring together residents, community leaders, elected officials, business leaders and civic-minded individuals to share best practices and discuss strategies to address the unique opportunities and challenges facing our communities.
All Forums run 7:30 am – 1 pm.
Taylor County | October 11, 2023
Location: Gilman High School, 325 N. Fifth Ave. Gilman
Location: Gilman High School, 325 N. Fifth Ave. Gilman
Fond du Lac County | October 26, 2023
Location: Drexel Training Center, 101 N Fond du Lac Avenue, Campbellsport
Monroe County | November 1, 2023
Location: Scenic Bluffs Health Center, 200 W. North St., Norwalk
Location: Scenic Bluffs Health Center, 200 W. North St., Norwalk
Wood County | November 14, 2023
Location: Pittsville Community Hall, 5291 3rd Ave, Pittsville
Hosted by local organizations and agencies and these statewide organizations:
- Create Wisconsin
- League of Wisconsin Municipalities
- UW-Madison, Division of Extension
- USDA Rural Development Wisconsin
- Wisconsin Downtown Action Council
- Wisconsin Main Street Program, WEDC
- Wisconsin Rural Partners
- Office of Rural Prosperity, WEDC
Get more info and register here: https://www.wiruralpartners.