Free digital skills coaching for small businesses!

Free digital skills coaching for small businesses brought to you by Grow with Google and Main Street America.
Main Street America and Grow with Google are teaming up to help business owners gain new skills through local Digital Coaches.
Grow with Google Digital Coaches are local marketing experts who help diverse small businesses grow. They offer live and virtual training and hands-on coaching on topics like how to connect with customers, sell products online, and improve business productivity – for free. No matter where you are on your entrepreneurial journey, your local Digital Coach can help you build skills to take the next step for your business and network with other successful businesses in your community.
Together, Main Street America and Grow with Google have on-boarded 10 new Digital Coaches to lead free trainings and empower small businesses with skills to grow.
Virtual Workshops
Starting September 14th and continuing through November, a series of both live and on-demand virtual workshops for small business owners will be available.