Could a “Road Diet” benefit your Downtown?

Downtown Appleton’s main street, College Avenue, is a busy four lane commercial arterial featuring popular restaurants, retail shops, service businesses (spas, lawyers, banks etc.) and nightlife/entertainment options. However with eight intersections allowing left turns, the potential for back-ups and accidents existed. And unfortunately the two lanes in each direction were sometimes deemed as being “race ready”. To address these issues, the City Council approved an 18-month Pilot Project to put College Avenue on a “Road Diet”.
The College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration Project is part of Smart Streets Appleton, a campaign that aims to improve street safety and access for everyone.
The new roadway design will develop a multimodal corridor that:
- enhances the outdoor experience
- supports local businesses
- bolsters a welcoming downtown
The corridor features two travel lanes, a center turn lane, and dedicated bike lanes creating a more pedestrian and bicycle-friendly environment with no loss of parking.
Appleton expects to experience improvements in safety and access to College Avenue due to this project.
- Expected reduction in the number of vehicle accidents and motor-related conflicts
- Improved pedestrian cross-lane experience, reducing crashes
- Smoother traffic flow, reducing the risk of aggressive speeding
- Improved visibility when making a left or right turn
- New, dedicated bicycle lanes for cyclists, scooters, and other wheeled vehicles
- No loss of curbside, on-street parking
- Improved pedestrian sidewalk experience
- Creation of a livable, pleasant neighborhood environment
- Slower speeds and improved sightlines allow motorists to see what the downtown has to offer
- Attraction of bicycle and pedestrian groups downtown to spend money in shops and restaurants
- National studies show a street redesign boosts economic growth and property values
For more information, visit